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Products and services

High-throughput field emission scanning electron microscope NavigatorSEM-100

NavigatorSEM-100 is the world's first high-throughput field emission scanning electron microscope. It is designed for SEM characterization and analysis of large-scale samples widely used in scientific research and industry. Its automated ultra-high-speed nano-imaging technology provides you with an extraordinary imaging experience.

  • 2×100M pixel/s
  • 1.5nm@1kV resolution
  • cm²-level accurate stitching of panoramic images
  • 10ns/pixel dewll time


Automatic microscanner-Clipper 2100

Focus e-Beam Technology can specifically develop and customize products for customers. We can develop a customized solution tailored to your needs.

  • One click collection of high-definition sample images, supports up to 6 inch wafers;
  • The highest image resolution is 7μm, make details more clearer;
  • Images with larger field of view and smaller distortion can be directly used for various size measurements and feature recognition;
  • Clipper-2100 can be used in more fields…


Pre-irradiation treatment Apollo-Ⅱ

Focus e-Beam Technology can specifically develop and customize products for customers. We can develop a customized solution tailored to your needs.

  • Solving the Inability of Ultrathin Slice to Electron Beam Irradiation
  • Batch processing of sliced samples
  • Improving the imaging quality of cell samples;
  • Improving the imaging throughput;


SEM applications

The NavigatorSEM-100 high-throughput field emission scanning electron microscope are used to investigate the ultrastructure of a wide range of biological tissues and cells.

Providing customized solutions for the life sciences biological imaging.



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